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Investig. desar. ; 28(2): 81-102, July-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1346379


RESUMEN El objetivo del estudio fue indagar los significados culturales del concepto "modelo educativo" con la exploración de dimensiones cognitivas y el consenso cultural en docentes de una universidad pública ecuatoriana. Se aplicaron el diseño cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio enmarcados en la antropología cognitiva, así como las técnicas listados libres y sorteo por montones en fases sucesivas, la primera de 20 docentes y la segunda de 18 docentes cada vez, basados en el modelo de Romney, Weller y Batchelder. Se obtuvieron niveles del consenso cultural a razón de 5,213 y promedio de competencia cultural de 3,196, que demostraron acuerdo grupal. Se identificaron componentes principales, intermedios y secundarios. La jerarquización temática del discurso permitió agrupar en un modelo epistemológico, curricular y pedagógico. Se concluye que los participantes piensan en forma homogénea y los significados culturales del modelo educativo se ajustaron al consenso, sin variación cultural entre docentes.

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to investigate the cultural meanings of the Educational Model concept, through the exploration of cognitive dimensions and the cultural consensus in teachers at an Ecuadorian public university. Methodology: Qualitative, descriptive, exploratory design; framed in Cognitive Anthropology. Free listing techniques were applied, and lots were drawn in successive phases; the first of 20 teachers, and the second of 18 teachers each time; based on the Romney, Weller, and Batchelder Model. Results: Cultural consensus levels in a ratio of 5,213, and cultural competence average of 3,196, showed agreement within the group. Main, intermediate, and secondary components were identified. The Thematic hierarchization of the discourse allowed for grouping in an epistemological, curricular, and pedagogical model. Conclusions: The participants think homogeneously, the cultural meanings of the educational model were adjusted to consensus, without cultural variation among teachers.

Humans , Universities , Models, Educational , Faculty , Cultural Competency , Cultural Rights
Enferm. Investig ; 4(1): 1-1, 2019-03-30.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-999155


Las Ciencias Biomédicas han devenido en un campo en desarrollo para la investigación académica y científica en la Educación Superior. Como parte del perfeccionamiento curricular en las Ciencias de la Salud, se evidenció la necesidad de sustentar el desarrollo armónico de la educación en las Ciencias Básicas, con vistas a preservar su acervo teórico, los avances académicos y científicos, así como su impacto en la solución de los problemas de salud de la sociedad, desde perspectivas flexibles e innovadoras, todo lo cual contribuye a perfeccionar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, para alcanzar niveles cualitativamente superiores en los aspectos cognitivos, procedimentales y actitudinales de los estudiantes de pre y posgrado. Se consideró como bases metodológicas para el perfeccionamiento de los diseños curriculares: 1. La integración de las funciones sustantivas de la Educación Superior: academia, investigación, gestión y vinculación con la sociedad, aplicado al ámbito de las Ciencias Biomédicas. 2. La Biomedicina como ciencia y arte, con enfoque teórico ­ práctico, para la solución de los problemas de salud del individuo, la familia y la comunidad, desde una perspectiva biológica, psicológica y social, perfectamente inclusiva e intercultural. 3. Aplicación de los más modernos avances científico-técnicos en relación con las Ciencias de la Salud, a partir de los preceptos establecidos en las Conferencias Internacionales de Educación Superior, que garanticen una continuidad en la formación profesional de pregrado y posgrado. 4. Educación centrada en el aprendizaje del estudiante, con la incorporación de las más novedosas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, la simulación médica, los más modernos laboratorios para prácticas y experimentación de los fundamentos teóricos, lo cual garantiza un nivel superior en la formación académica y científica de los profesionales. 5. Especial énfasis en la formación ética y bioética de los profesionales de la salud, que incluye atención al currículo oculto. 6. Formación metodológica que permita el desarrollo de investigaciones científicas en las Ciencias Biomédicas con adecuado rigor e impacto en los indicadores de salud. 7. Enfoque sistémico y holístico en los proyectos curriculares de pre y posgrado. 8. Estudio de pertinencia que respalde el diseño curricular con garantía de calidad en la formación profesional para la solución de los problemas de salud a nivel nacional e internacional. 9. Aplicación de los principios de la UNESCO: aprender a conocer, aprender a hacer, aprender a convivir y aprender a ser. Todo lo cual está refrendado por el objetivo 4 del Desarrollo Sostenible que aborda la educación con calidad. Esto permitirá el desarrollo de un pensamiento científico superior por los educandos, a partir del desarrollo de competencias, habilidades y destrezas en las Ciencias Biomédicas como base para el estudio de las Ciencias Clínicas con aplicación del método científico, clínico y epidemiológico. Los contenidos estarán integrados dentro de las unidades curriculares para el desarrollo de los modos de actuación profesional a través de actividades de educación en el trabajo y desarrollo de cátedras integradoras. Facilitando el autoaprendizaje a lo largo de la vida desde perspectivas desarrolladoras. La Universidad Técnica de Ambato se inserta en los procesos de perfeccionamiento formativo en el área de posgrado, a través del desarrollo de maestrías y especialidades

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Models, Educational , Curriculum , Education , Nursing Education Research , Problem-Based Learning , Education, Nursing
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 32-38, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-733754


Objective To explore the mental health status and characteristics of professional degree postgraduates.Methods 326 professional degree postgraduates from 3 universities were selected as subjects by cluster sampling.Symptom checklist 90 (SCL-90) was applied to assess psychological health of the postgraduates in order.Results 1) The positive rate of psychological symptom screening was 11.11%.The detection rate of psychological problems from high to low was:obsessive-compulsion,interpersonal sensitivity,depression,hostility,somatization,paranoid ideation,anxiety,phobic anxiety and psychoticism.2) Excluding the factors of phobic anxiety,there was significant age difference in each factor score and total score of SCL-90 (P<0.05).The somatization,interpersonal sensitivity,anxiety,hostility,paranoid ideation,psychoticism factor scores and total score of the "≥30 years" group was significantly higher than those of "≤24 years"and the "25-29 years" group (P<0.05),the depression factor scores of "≥ 30 years" was significantly higher than the "≤24 years" group (P<0.01).3) The scores of somatizations (P=0.038) and obsessive-compulsive factors (P=0.043) of doctoral students were significantly higher than those of master students.4) In different grades,there were significant differences in the scores of obsessive-compulsives,depression,anxiety,hostility,paranoid ideation factor scores and SCL-90 total score (P<0.05).The factor scores and total score of the Grade Three were significantly higher than those of the first grade (P<0.05),and the scores of hostilities,paranoid ideation factors and total score were significantly higher than those of the second grade (P<0.05).5) Excluding phobic anxiety,the factor scores and total score of SCL-90 in the "peace and tranquility" group were significantly lower than those of "quarrel" group (P<0.05).6) Except for somatization and paranoia ideation,the factor scores and total score of SCL-90 of caring group were significantly lower than those non-caring group (P<0.05).Conclusion The psychological health of graduate students of professional degree varies with age,educational level and grade,and is influenced by collective atmosphere and mentor attitude.The differences in the characteristics of the crowd should be taken into full consideration in the mental health education of colleges and universities,and the educational model should be explored,the educational goals,contents and forms should be refined to improve the mental health level of the population.

Ciudad de México; s.n; 20180201. 95 p.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1391601


Introducción: El abandono de la LME tiene importantes implicaciones en la salud y en la sociedad. Se estima que durante los primeros 6 meses de vida a nivel mundial el 34.8% de lactantes recibe LME, en América latina el 40% mientras que México tiene el más bajo índice, con una disminución en los últimos 6 años del 22.3% al 14.4%, a pesar de los esfuerzos y programas diseñados para revertirlo. La lactancia materna está bajo la influencia de la globalización y del cambio del modelo cultural moderno al posmoderno, lo cual influye directamente en sus prácticas, generado un impacto negativo en niños, madres, familias y sociedad en general. Objetivos: Comprender la perspectiva de las mujeres de la Ciudad de México sobre lactancia materna desde el modelo cultural. Metodología: El estudio fue cualitativo exploratorio, los informantes fueron mujeres que ofrecieron y negaron LME de la Ciudad de México entre 15 y 49 años con bebés menores de 2 años. La selección de la muestra fue intencional. Utilizamos como técnicas: entrevistas a profundidad, guías de observación y se aplicó un análisis categorial al material recolectado en la observación. Resultados: En el modelo cultural moderno la LME se considera un deber encontramos 3 tipos de mujeres: la que se encuentra en un entorno favorable y tiene profunda convicción en dar LME (tipo 1); la que tiene profunda convicción de dar LME y lo hace a pesar de encontrarse en un entorno vinculado al modelo postmoderno el cual presionan para no hacerlo (tipo 2) y la que tiene profunda convicción de no hacerlo pero lo hace debido a la presión de su entorno vinculado al modelo moderno(tipo 3). Vinculadas al entorno cultural postmoderno asociado a no brindar LME por ser un derecho encontramos 3 tipos de mujeres: la que tiene profunda convicción de no dar LME porque es su derecho y se encuentra en un entorno favorable a esta práctica (tipo 4); la que tiene profunda convicción de no dar LME y no la brinda, a pesar de encontrarse en un entorno ligado al modelo moderno que presiona a brindarlo (tipo 5)la que tiene la profunda convicción de hacerlo, pero no lo hace debido a la presión de su entorno vinculado al modelo postmoderno(tipo 6). Conclusiones: Asociando la LME con modelos culturales concluimos que en el modelo cultural moderno se considera la LME como un deber, mientras que en el postmoderno un derecho. Al encontrarnos en transición entre un modelo y otro, las mujeres están influenciadas por discursos y prácticas culturales que en ocasiones son contradictorias. Comprender estos fenómenos nos permitirá diseñar estrategias efectivas desde la enfermería para aumentar la LME.

Introduction: The abandonment of the exclusive breastfeeding (EB) has important implications for health and society. It is estimated that during the first 6 months of life worldwide, 34.8% of infants receive EB, in Latin America 40%, while Mexico has the lowest index, with a decrease in the last 6 years of 22.3% to 14.4%, despite efforts and programs designed to reverse it. The Breastfeeding is under the influence of globalization and the change from the modern to the postmodern cultural model, which directly influence their practices, generating negative impact on children, mothers, families and society in general. Objective: Understand the perspective of women in Mexico City on breastfeeding from the cultural model. Methods: The study was qualitative exploratory, the informants were women who offered and denied EB in Mexico City with ages between 15 and 49 years old with infants under 2 years. The sample was selected intentional. We used as techniques: depth interviews, observation guides and a categorical analysis was applied to the material collected in the observation. Results: In the modern cultural model where the EB is considered as a duty we find 3 types of women: the woman who is in a favorable environment and has a deep conviction to give EB (type 1); the woman who has deep conviction to give EB and she does it in spite of being in an environment linked to the postmodern model which presses for not to do it (type 2) and the woman who has the deep conviction to do it, but she don't give due to the pressure of its environment linked to the postmodern model (type 3). Linked to the cultural postmodern environment associated to not provide EB by being a right we find 3 types of women: the woman who is deeply convinced for not give EB because it is their right and she is in an environment favorable to this practice (type 4); The woman who has deep conviction of not give EB and does not offer it, in spite of being in an environment linked to the modern model that presses to offer it (type 5) and the woman who has deep conviction for don't do it, but she do it due to the pressure of its environment linked to the modern model (type 6). Conclusions: Associating the EB with cultural models we conclude that in the modern cultural model the EB is considered as a duty, while in the postmodern one as a right. As we find ourselves in the transition from one model to another, women are influenced by cultural discourses and practices that are sometimes contradictory. Understand these phenomena will allow us design effective strategies from a point of view of the nursing to increase the EB.

Humans , Infant , Adolescent , Adult , Predominant Breastfeeding , Social Change , Breast Feeding , Models, Educational , Mexico
São Paulo; s.n; 2018. 84 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-880166


A educação e a saúde são espaços de produção e aplicação de saberes destinados ao desenvolvimento humano e tecnológico. Há uma interseção entre estes dois campos, ambos se estruturam a partir de necessidades sociais e buscam soluções interdisciplinares. O desenvolvimento de aplicativos voltados à capacitação e qualificação profissional em ambientes educacionais virtuais baseados em web são desafios contemporâneos. Hipótese: a educação em saúde via web é capaz de mediar conhecimentos técnico-conceituais junto à população e aos profissionais do campo da saúde pública. Objetivos: desenvolver e analisar a efetividade de uma plataforma de educação aberta em saúde, modelada para a capacitação profissional. Método: estudo em duas etapas. A primeira tendo como centro a criação e o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de educação aberta em ambiente web, capaz de acolher um curso interdepartamental da Faculdade de Saúde Pública da USP elaborado especificamente para este projeto. A segunda etapa, de avaliação, com o delineamento de estudo transversal, e combinação de dois bancos de dados distintos, sendo o primeiro, base populacional, em uma amostra não probabilística, investigada mediante convite para acesso à plataforma educacional e aceitação explícita ao Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE); o segundo, aninhado ao primeiro, estruturado com coleta de dados a partir de usuários que livremente acessaram a plataforma. População do estudo: 104 indivíduos que acessaram a plataforma educacional e se inscreveram no curso Introdução à Saúde Pública e a insetos de interesse em Saúde Pública. Coleta de dados: realizada no período de 05/09/2016 a 25/11/2016 pela plataforma educacional, de forma autônoma, complementadas por informações extraídas das ferramentas de monitoramento de sites e por questionário presencial. Análise dos dados: médias e medianas dos dados são apresentadas em tabelas de freqüência e analisados segundo técnicas estatísticas para dados contínuos. Resultados: 1) 28,8 por cento dos indivíduos que se inscreveram no curso o concluíram no período da coleta de dados. 2) Dos indivíduos que completaram o curso, 16,7 por cento obtiveram índice qualificado como ótimo; 33,3 por cento para qualificação muito bom e 50,0 por cento para qualificação bom. 3) 396 perguntas presentes nos questionários ao final de cada aula foram respondidas corretamente, o equivalente a 88,0 por cento de acertos. Conclusões: 1) Uma plataforma educacional aberta, em ambiente WEB foi capaz de atrair e estimular indivíduos a realizar o curso de capacitação profissional no campo da Saúde Pública. 2) É possível mediar conhecimentos técnico-conceituais no campo da Saúde Pública por meio de plataforma de ensino a distância, implementada em ambiente WEB. 3) Há interesse dos indivíduos quanto à realização de curso de capacitação profissional em EAD

Education and health are spaces for knowledge production and application intended for human and technological development. There is an intersection between these two fields, both are structured from social needs and look for interdisciplinary solutions. The web-based virtual educational environments for training and professional qualification are contemporary challenges. Hypothesis: health education through the web is able to mediate technicalconceptual knowledge for the population and for professionals involved in public health area. Objectives: develop and evaluate the effectivity of a web open education platform, modeled for professional training in public health. Method: it is a two-steps study. The first one, centered on the creation and development of an open education platform in a web format, able to hosting an interdepartmental course of the Public Health / University of São Paulo, specifically designed for this project. The second step, an evaluation, designed in a cross-sectional study, and a combination of two different databases, the first, a population base, in a non-probabilistic sample, invited to perform the web training and investigated through explicit acceptance of the Free and Informed Consent Term; the second, nested to the first, structured with data collection from users who freely accessed the platform available in the Internet. Study population: 104 individuals who accessed the educational platform and enrolled in the course \"Introduction to Public Health and Important Insects in Public Health\". Data collection: conducted from September 5 to November 25, 2016 by the educational platform, in autonomous process, during the participation of the subjects in the proposed course, complemented by information extracted from monitoring sites tools and by face-to-face questionnaire. Data analysis: means and medians of the data are presented in frequency tables and analyzed according to statistical techniques for continuous and categorical data. Results: 1) 28.8 per cent of the individuals who enrolled in the course concluded it during the period of data collection. 2) Of the individuals who completed the course, 16.7 per cent got a qualifying index as \"optimal\"; 33.3 per cent for \"very good\" qualification and 50.0 per cent for \"good\" qualification. 3) 396 questions in the quiz present in the end of each course was answered correctly, it is equivalent to 88.0 per cent of correct answers. Conclusions: 1) An open educational platform in web format was able to attract and stimulate individuals to carry out the professional training course in Public Health. 2) Is possible to meditate technical-conceptual knowledge in Public Health through a learning platform, implemented in web format. 3) People are interested to do a professional training and professional capacitation, in distance education method

Education, Continuing , Health Education , Health Promotion , Models, Educational , Professional Training , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Distance/standards , Public Health/education
Chinese Journal of Immunology ; (12): 600-601, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-702781


Integration of "5+3" training mode is to accelerate the construction of standardization of clinical medical personnel training system,and the establishment of the new training mode.The training goal is to make the students become the high-level clinicians with the ability of clinical thinking and clinical practice,and scientific research and teaching,who can independently and pro-fessionally prevent and treat the related common disease.Therefore,guided by the general training goal of our students,we designed and practiced a teaching mode centered on "immune disease mechanism analysis" in the teaching of medical immunology,aiming at improving students'ability of clinical thinking,self learning and team coorperation.

ImplantNewsPerio ; 2(4): 619-626, jul.-ago. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-859995


Objetivo: familiarizar o leitor com a metodologia estatística da metanálise e mostrar como ler e interpretar o forest plot nas decisões clínicas. Material e métodos: um conjunto fictício de dez estudos com acompanhamento de cinco anos, envolvendo perda óssea comparada para implantes rugosos e lisos, foi simulado. Os parâmetros para metanálise foram obtidos e explicados em detalhes em três situações: 1) usando estes dez estudos; 2) removendo o estudo com a maior amostra; e 3) reduzindo a amostra do maior estudo, comparando-se nos modelos fixo e random. Resultados: na situação 1, o efeito fixo favoreceu os implantes lisos, o efeito random favoreceu os implantes rugosos, mas o valor p não mostrou significado estatístico para cada efeito. Na situação 2, ambos os modelos passaram a favorecer os implantes rugosos, com valores p estatisticamente significativos. Na situação 3, o peso fixo da maior amostra caiu pela metade, e o gráfico forest pilot favoreceu os implantes rugosos nos modelos fixo e random, porém, a diferença estatística só foi significativa no modelo fixo (p=0,000). Conclusão: 1) a criação de modelos fictícios e situações favorece o ensino da leitura da metanálise; 2) mesmo no exemplo fictício, a adoção do modelo random effects trouxe melhor ponderação entre os pesos dos estudos; 3) a decisão clínica de quem lê está influenciada também pela decisão de quais estudos são incluídos, suas amostras e como traduzir a diferença entre as perdas ósseas em benefício clínico.

Objective: to familiarize the reader with the statistical methodology of a meta-analysis and to show how to read and interpret the forest plot for clinical decisions. Material and methods: a hypothetical model with 10 studies over 5 years involving bone loss on rough and machined dental implants was simulated. The parameters of meta-analysis were obtained and explained in three hypothetical scenarios: 1) all 10 studies; 2) removing the study with the larger sample; and 3) using only half of the sample in the larger study, considering the fixed and random effects model. Results: for situation 1, the fixed effect favors the machined implants, while the random effect favors the rough ones, but the p-value did not provide statistical significance for each summary effect. In situation 2, both models favor the rough implants, with statistically significant p-values. For situation 3, the relative weight of the larger sample size was reduced by half, and the forest plot favored the rough implants for both fi xed and random options; however, a statistical difference was only seen at the fixed effects model (P=0.000). Conclusion: 1) the creation of diverse scenarios favors the teaching on how to read a meta-analysis; 2) even thus, the adoption of a random-effect model balanced the weights among studies; 3) the clinical decision of the reader is also infl uenced by which studies were selected, their samples, and how to translate the difference between bone loss into clinical benefits.

Humans , Alveolar Bone Loss , Meta-Analysis , Models, Educational , Weights and Measures/instrumentation
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 41(2): 336-345, abr.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-898109


RESUMO Em contexto nacional e internacional, discute-se a formação médica devido às mudanças na sociedade contemporânea e suas demandas de saúde. No Brasil, preconiza-se a inserção do aluno na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) durante todo o curso médico. Tal inserção é dificultada pelos cenários práticos inadequados, pela falta de preceptores, pela formação insuficiente dos médicos generalistas para receber estudantes, pelos docentes sem capacitação adequada para o ensino na área e pela resistência de docentes de disciplinas tradicionais. Este artigo descreve e analisa um modelo de inserção da APS e Medicina de Família e Comunidade (MFC) em um curso médico no município de São Paulo, os desafios da articulação ensino-gestão e as ações que ajudam a enfrentá-los. A proposta parte de objetivos educacionais que visam desenvolver competências (conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes) para que o aluno possa oferecer cuidado integral, compreendendo o indivíduo no contexto de vida familiar, social e ambiental. Os conteúdos programáticos foram desenvolvidos para propiciar aprendizagem em grau crescente de complexidade, articulando saberes prévios com novos saberes. Deste ponto de partida, o desenvolvimento do projeto educacional tem como marca inovadora a combinação de planejamento e gestão educacional que adota as seguintes medidas para aprimorar a qualidade do processo ensino-aprendizagem: (1) inserção dos alunos em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) do primeiro ano ao internato; (2) contratação de médicos de família como docentes da faculdade; (3) integração dos conteúdos dos módulos de Medicina de Família e APS com os conteúdos de outras disciplinas, como Epidemiologia, Políticas de Saúde e Medicina Baseada em Evidências; (4) metodologias de ensino problematizadoras adequadas à temática abordada e ao perfil do estudante e do docente; (5) avaliações formativas; (6) aprimoramento pedagógico para docentes e preceptores para o exercício do ensino em saúde; (7) práticas que estimulem o aluno a trabalhar em equipes interprofissionais; (8) incentivo a programas de intercâmbio nacionais e internacionais para alunos de graduação e de residência em MFC; (9) fomento à publicação de livros, artigos e pesquisa em APS. Entre os fatores facilitadores para o bom andamento dessa proposta de ensino, ressalta-se o fato de que MFC e APS são fundamentos axiais do projeto político-pedagógico do curso médico e se desenvolvem em uma instituição que tem longa história de assistência e ensino na área da saúde, contribuindo fortemente para a integração serviço-escola. A interlocução necessária às atividades didáticas nos cenários de prática se dá pela proximidade entre gestão local, preceptores e gestores-docentes. Outro fator de fortalecimento da proposta é o investimento na equipe de preceptores por meio de capacitação, participação na construção e na integração de conteúdos propostos nos módulos de MFC e a política de recursos humanos que os valoriza. Assim, considera-se que a apresentação desta iniciativa poda contribuir para o debate de modelos educacionais para inserção curricular da MFC e APS, seus desafios e possibilidades na educação médica contemporânea.

ABSTRACT Medical education has been heavily debated in both national and international contexts due to changes in society and public health demands. In Brazil, it is postulated that learning in Primary Health Care (PHC) should occur throughout the entire medical course. Learning in PHC has faced some barriers such as inadequate environment for medical practice, including a lack of supervisors and general practitioners with insufficient training to assist students, lack of lecturers with expertise in the area, and resistance from traditional faculties to include PHC in the curriculum. This paper addresses an educational model to include PHC and family medicine in a medical school curriculum in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Furthermore, we describe the challenges of tying in educational and managerial objectives in the context of primary care services, and how to overcome such challenges. Our proposal is based on using educational objectives to develop student competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) so they can provide comprehensive care as regards the individual's background (social, family and environmental). Students are exposed to increasingly complex educational content that requires connecting new knowledge to previous knowledge. The innovative aspect of this educational project is its integration of planning and educational management, involving the following strategies to achieve a better quality learning process: (1) Students in primary care services from the first to the last semester of the course; (2) Hiring family doctors as faculty members; (3) Integrating PHC and family medicine with the contents of other subjects such as epidemiology, public health policies and evidenced-based medicine; (4) Using problem-solving methodologies suitable both to the studied theme and to student and lecturer profiles; (5) Formative evaluations; (6) Improving teaching skills for lecturers and field supervisors; (7) Implementing practices to encourage students to work in multi-professional teams; (8) Motivating students to take part in interchange programs with national and international institutions; and (9) Encouraging the publications of books, scientific papers and research into PHC and family medicine. Several factors facilitate the success of this educational proposal, including: PHC and family medicine being underlying matters in the political-pedagogical faculty project; the educational setting being that of an institution with a long history of health education, public care provision and contributions to service-learning integration; the close relationship between health service managers, lecturers and supervisors, which facilitates coordination between the theoretical content and practice in PHC; the investments made to develop supervisor teaching skills, to support their participation in the debate about relevant family medicine content, and in the discussion about integrating theory with practice; and finally the human resource policies that raise the value of family doctors who are also supervisors. We hope this experience contributes to enhancing the debate about PHC and family medicine educational models in medical courses, and the related challenges and possibilities within medical training.

Sci. med. (Porto Alegre, Online) ; 27(1): ID25389, jan-mar 2017.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-847967


AIMS: To evaluate knowledge about toxoplasmosis among pregnant women and healthcare professionals and to evaluate the knowledge acquired by pregnant women after health education actions. METHODSethods: Five hundred pregnant women and 141 healthcare professionals from health units in Niterói, state of Rio de Janeiro, answered a questionnaire, received information about toxoplasmosis and had access to an interactive educational model and to folders between 2013 and 2016. After 3 months, 145 pregnant women answered the questionnaire once again. RESULTS: Of 500 pregnant women, 226 (45.2%) reported having heard about toxoplasmosis. Among these, 23.5% had obtained information from friends and 19.0% from their doctors. About their exposure to risk factors, 6.8% had had contact with cat feces; 14.0% had had contact with soil without gloves; 23.4% had ingested undercooked meat; and 24.0% had drunk unfiltered water from the public supply system. The questionnaires of 145 pregnant women before and after the educational activities were compared and showed that contact with soil without gloves dropped significantly from 11.0% to 4.8% (p = 0.022) while consumption of unfiltered water fell from 26.9% to 20.0% (p < 0.001). Washing foods (62.1%), washing hands (62.1%) and consumption of well-cooked meat (61.4%) were the most widely cited preventive measures. Many mistakes were reported among healthcare professionals, and one nursing technician and 13 community healthcare agents (9.9%) had not heard about toxoplasmosis. CONCLUSIONS: Lack of knowledge about toxoplasmosis by most of the interviewed pregnant women, in addition to the misconceptions observed among healthcare professionals, leads to the conclusion that little importance has been given so far to primary prevention of toxoplasmosis during the prenatal period. Also, health professionals' inadequate knowledge could be detrimental to secondary prevention, which consists of early detection and treatment of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. In this study, educational intervention contributed to improving knowledge about the transmission and prevention of toxoplasmosis by pregnant women and, to a lesser extent, to reducing exposure to some risk factors.

OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o conhecimento da toxoplasmose entre gestantes e profissionais de saúde e avaliar o conhecimento adquirido pelas gestantes após ações de educação em saúde. MÉTODOS: Quinhentas gestantes e 141 profissionais de saúde provenientes de Unidades de Saúde de Niterói-RJ de 2013 a 2016, foram entrevistados por meio de um questionário, receberam informações sobre a toxoplasmose, tiveram acesso a um modelo educativo interativo e folders. Após três meses, 145 gestantes responderam novamente ao questionário. RESULTADOS: Das 500 gestantes, 226 (45,2%) relataram que já tinham ouvido falar sobre toxoplasmose. Destas, 23,5% tiveram informações por amigos e 19,0% pelo médico. Sobre exposição aos fatores de risco, 6,8% relataram contato com fezes de gatos; 14,0% tiveram contato com o solo sem luvas; 23,4% ingeriam carne mal passada; e 24,0% bebiam água de abastecimento público sem filtrar. Ao comparar os questionários de 145 gestantes antes e após atividades educativas, o contato com o solo sem uso de luvas teve redução significativa de 11,0% para 4,8% (p=0,022) e o consumo de água sem filtro reduziu de 26,9% para 20,0% (p=0,001). Foram mais citados como medidas preventivas a lavagem dos alimentos (62,1%), a lavagem das mãos (62,1%) e o consumo de carne bem cozida (61,4%). Dentre os profissionais de saúde, muitos erros foram relatados e um técnico de enfermagem e 13 agentes comunitários de saúde (9,9%) não conheciam a toxoplasmose. CONCLUSÕES: A falta de conhecimento sobre a toxoplasmose pela maioria das gestantes entrevistadas, além de concepções equivocadas por parte dos profissionais de saúde, levam à conclusão de que vem sendo dada pouca importância para a prevenção primária da toxoplasmose durante o período pré-natal. Adicionalmente, algumas falhas no conhecimento dos profissionais podem prejudicar até mesmo a prevenção secundária, que consiste na detecção e tratamento precoce da toxoplasmose na gestação. Neste estudo, a intervenção educacional contribuiu para aumentar o conhecimento sobre a transmissão e a prevenção da toxoplasmose entre as gestantes e, em menor extensão, para reduzir a exposição a alguns fatores de risco.

Toxoplasmosis, Congenital , Primary Prevention , Health Centers , Health Education , Health Personnel/education , Pregnant Women/education
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 43(5): 382-391, Sept.-Oct. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-829601


ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the method of training and continuing education of 18 surgeons in 2014, and 28 surgeons in 2015, in the Holy Homes of Ribeirao Preto, Araraquara, Franca and San Carlos of São Paulo, in the performance of Lichtenstein inguinal herniorrhaphy, tutored by the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the São Paulo Holy Home and the organization HERNIA HELP - "Hernia Repair for the Underserved". Methods: the training was tutored and systematized through an active methodology of teaching and learning, aiming to offer competence, skills and attitudes, measured by a previously validated Qualification Form, qualifying leaders in trainees' improvement. Results: in 2014 the outcomes were: the difficulty of the case, direction, incision, dissection, mesh preparation, mesh cutting, mesh setting, closing, instruments, respect to tissues, flow, time and motion, and performance, all presented change in the general rating (p=0.000002); there was greater confidence in the execution of the procedure in 80% of trainees, considered "very valuable" in 93.3% of the interventions. In 2015, 28 surgeons were trained by ten surgeons previously qualified in 2014. The nerve identification rate, a relevant time the Lichtenstein technique, was 95.5% for the Iliohypogastric, 98.5% for the ilioinguinal and 89.4% for the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve. Conclusion: the applied teaching method is possible, reproducible, reliable and valid. The joint efforts offer enormous opportunity of directed education, reaching underserved populations, revealing the great teacher-student social responsibility.

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar resultados do método de treinamento e educação continuada de 18 cirurgiões, em 2014, e 28 cirurgiões, em 2015, nas Santas Casas de Ribeirão Preto, Araraquara, Franca e São Carlos do Estado de São Paulo, na realização da Herniorrafia Inguinal à Lichtenstein, tutorados pela Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo e pela organização HERNIA HELP - "Hernia Repair for the Underserved". Métodos: treinamento tutorado e sistematizado, através de metodologia ativa de ensino e aprendizagem, visando a oferecer competência, habilidade e atitudes, auferidas por um Formulário de Qualificação previamente validado, qualificando líderes no aperfeiçoamento de treinandos. Resultados: em 2014, os desfechos foram: dificuldade do caso, direção, incisão, dissecção, preparo da tela, corte da tela, fixação da tela, fechamento, instrumentos, respeito aos tecidos, fluxo, tempo e movimento e desempenho, apresentaram mudança na Classificação Geral (p=0,000002); houve maior confiança na execução do procedimento em 80% dos treinandos, sendo considerado "Muito Valioso" em 93,3% das participações. Em 2015, os 28 cirurgiões foram treinados por dez cirurgiões previamente qualificados em 2014. A taxa de identificação dos nervos, tempo relevante da técnica de Lichtenstein, foi 95,5 % para o ílio-hipogástrico, 98,5% para o ilioinguinal e 89,4% para o ramo genital do nervo genitofemoral. Conclusão: o método de ensino aplicado é possível, reprodutível, confiável e válido. Os mutirões oferecem a enorme oportunidade do ensino, dirigido, atingindo populações carentes, revelando a grande responsabilidade social docente-discente.

Humans , Herniorrhaphy/education , Herniorrhaphy/methods , Teacher Training , Hernia, Inguinal/surgery , Time Factors , Models, Educational
São Paulo; s.n; 2014. [76] p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-750121


INTRODUÇÃO: Simulação e discussão de caso são métodos de ensino efetivos com alta satisfação dos alunos. Nossa hipótese foi que o mesmo caso apresentado com ambos métodos traria ganho de conhecimento imediato similar em pós-teste, porém maior retenção de conhecimento em teste de retenção e maior satisfação com método de ensino com uso de simulação. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, não randomizado e controlado, usando um desenho cruzado para método de ensino, testes com questões de múltipla escolha e uma pesquisa de satisfação. Alunos de medicina do último ano fizeram o pré-teste e foram alocados em dois grupos. Grupo Enfermaria participou em simulação de anafilaxia (SIM-ANA) e discussão de caso de taquicardia supraventricular (DC-TSV). Grupo PS fez o oposto (SIM-TSV e DCANA). Alunos foram testados para cada tema no fim do seu estágio (pós-teste) e 4 a 6 meses após (teste de retenção). RESULTADOS: A maioria dos alunos (108- 66,3%) completaram todos testes. Nota média para anafilaxia do préteste foi 43,6% SIM-ANA e 46,6% DC-ANA; pós-teste 63,5% SIM-ANA e 67,8% CD-ANA e teste de retenção 61,5% SIM-ANA e 65,5% DC-ANA. Nota média do pré-teste para taquicardia supraventricular foi 33,9% SIM-TSV e 31,6% DCTSV; pós-teste 42,5% SIM-TSV e 47,7% DC-TSV e teste de retenção 41,5% SIM-TSV e 39,5% DC-TSV. Houve melhora significante entre pré e pós-testes (p < 0,05) e não houve diferença entre pós-teste e teste de retenção (p > 0,05) para ambos os temas. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre simulação e discussão de caso para qualquer teste (todos com p > 0,05). Pesquisa de satisfação favoreceu simulação comparado com discussão de caso em seis das oito afirmativas pesquisadas (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Como intervenção única, simulação não apresenta diferença significante em relação a discussão de caso para aquisição e retenção de conhecimento. A maior satisfação dos alunos com método de ensino mostra um benefício mensurável da simulação...

INTRODUCTION: Simulation and case-based discussion are effective learning methods with high student satisfaction. Our hypothesis was that the same case presented by both methods would yield similar immediate knowledge gain in post-test, but higher retention of knowledge test and student satisfaction with method in simulation. METHODS: This was a prospective, non-randomized, controlled study using a crossover design for method, multiple choice questionnaires tests and a satisfaction survey. Final year medical students were pre-tested and allocated into two groups. Group Enfermaria participated in anaphylaxis simulation (SIM-ANA) and supraventricular tachycardia case-based discussion (CD-SVT); group PS did the opposite (SIM-TSV and CD-ANA). Students were tested for each theme at the end of their rotation (post-test) and 4-6 months later (retention). RESULTS: Most students (108 - 66.3%) completed all tests. Mean anaphylaxis pre-test score was 43.6% SIM-ANA and 46.6% CDANA; post-test 63.5% SIM-ANA and 67.8% CD-ANA and retention test 61.5% SIM-ANA and 65.5% CD-ANA. Mean supraventricular tachycardia pre-test score was 33.9% SIM-SVT and 31.6% CD-SVT; post-test 42.5% SIM-SVT and 47.7% CD-SVT and retention test 41.5% SIM-SVT and 39.5% CD-SVT. There was significant improvement between pre-tests and post-tests (p < 0.05) and no difference between post-tests and retention tests (p > 0.05) for both themes. No statistically significant differences between simulation and case discussion were found at any tests (all with p > 0.05). Satisfaction survey favored simulation compared with case discussion in six of the eight statements asked (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: As a single teaching intervention, simulation does not significantly differ from case-based discussion for acquisition and retention of knowledge. Higher student satisfaction shows a measurable benefit of simulation compared to case-based discussion....

Humans , Education, Medical , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Emergency Medicine , Models, Educational , Pediatrics , Problem-Based Learning
Rev. venez. cir ; 66(2): 50-55, jun. 2013. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392423


Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio consiste en determinarla capacidad de la escala GEARS (global evaluative assessment of robotic skills) para diferenciar individuos con distinto nivel de experiencia en cirugía robótica, como un parámetro fundamental para la validación de la misma. Método: Es un estudio transversal que incluye a tres grupos de individuos con diferente nivel de experiencia en cirugía robótica (expertos, intermedios, novatos), a los cuales se les asignó una tarea sobre un modelo de entrenamiento, siendo evaluados mediante la escala en estudio (GEARS), aplicada por dos evaluadores. La diferencia entre los grupos se determinó mediante el método no paramétrico de Mann Whitney y la consistencia interobservador se estudió mediante el coeficiente W de Kendall. Resultados: Se realizaron un total de 15 evaluaciones, correspondientes a 5 individuos de cada grupo. La concordancia inter-observador de la escala GEARS fue de 0,96. El puntaje obtenido al realizar la evaluación fue de 29,8±0,4; 24±2,8 y 16±3; para los expertos, intermedios y novatos respectivamente, siendo la diferen-cia entre ellos estadísticamente significativa. Todos los parámetros de la escala permiten diferenciar entre los distintos niveles de expe-riencia, con la excepción del ítem percepción de profundidad. Conclusión:Se concluye que la escala GEARS demostró ser capaz de diferenciar entre individuos con distinto nivel de experiencia en cirugía robótica, validándose como una herramienta útil en el entrenamiento y evaluación del cirujano en formación(AU)

Objective: The objective of this study is to determine the ability of the GEARS scale (global evaluative assessment of robotic skills) to differentiate individuals with different levels of experience in robotic surgery, as a fundamental validation of the same para-meter. Method: This is a cross-sectional study that included three groups of individuals with different levels of experience in robotic surgery (expert, intermediate, novice) to which they were assigned a task on a training model, and was assessed by the GEARS scale applied by two reviewers. The difference between groups was determined by a nonparametric method from Mann Whitney and the consistency between the reviewers was studied by Kendall W coefficient. Results: A total of 15 evaluations were performed to all the individuals in each group. The agreement between the reviewers of the scale GEARS was 0.96. The score of the assessment was 29.8±0.4 to experts, 24 ±2.8 to intermediates and 16 ±3 to novices,with a statistically significant difference between all of them(p<0.05). All parameters from the scale allow discriminating between different levels of experience, with exception of the depth perception item. Conclusion: We conclude that the scale GEARS was able to differentiate between individuals with different levels of experience in robotic surgery. Therefore is a validated and useful tool to evaluate surgeons in training(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Validation Study , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Mentoring , Methods , Aptitude , Specialization , Suture Techniques , Models, Educational
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 88(5): 430-438, set.-out. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-656035


OBJETIVO: Avaliar um programa educacional com base no modelo de promoção da saúde (MPS) e nos estágios de mudança para melhorar a atividade física (AF) entre adolescentes iranianos. MÉTODOS: Este foi um ensaio randomizado controlado com 165 participantes divididos em dois grupos (intervenção/controle). Os dados foram coletados através de questionários de autopreenchimento com base em componentes do MPS (benefícios e barreiras para a ação, autoeficácia, sentimentos em relação ao comportamento, influências interpessoais e situacionais). A escala de estágios de mudança foi utilizada para selecionar participantes aptos (classificados nos estágios de pré-contemplação, contemplação ou preparação) e para avaliar a tendência. Após a coleta dos dados de base, a intervenção foi realizada nos participantes e os dados de acompanhamento foram coletados 3 meses depois. RESULTADOS: Ao todo, 88 meninos e 77 meninas com idade média de 13,99±0,4 participaram do estudo. As diferenças em todos os componentes do MPS, exceto os sentimentos em relação ao comportamento e as influências sociais, foram significantes (p < 0,01) entre os valores de base e de acompanhamento. Comparados aos do grupo de controle, os adolescentes do grupo de intervenção foram categorizados nos estágios de ação (70%) ou preparação (30%) no acompanhamento. A análise de regressão múltipla revelou que preferências concorrentes, normas sociais, modelos sociais (variáveis com p < 0,001) e o compromisso com o plano de ação podem prever consideravelmente o comportamento quanto à AF. O modelo representou 22,5% da variação da AF. CONCLUSÕES: Intervenções educacionais com base nos estágios de mudança podem ter implicações importantes na melhora da AF entre adolescentes em mais componentes do MPS.

OBJECTIVE: To conduct an evaluation of an educational program based on the health promotion model (HPM) and stages of change to improve physical activity (PA) behavior among Iranian adolescents. METHODS: This was a group randomized controlled trial with 165 participants in two groups (intervention/control). Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires based upon HPM constructs (benefits and barriers of action, self-efficacy, activity-related affect, interpersonal influences, and situational influences). The stages of change scale was used to select eligible participants (were placed on precontemplation, contemplation, or preparation stages) and to assess the trend. After collecting baseline data, the intervention was administered to the participants and follow-up data was collected 3 months after intervention. RESULTS: In all, 88 males and 77 females with a mean age of 13.99±0.4 participated in the study. The differences in all HPM constructs, except activity-related affect and social influences, were significant (p < 0.01) between baseline and follow-up measurements. Adolescents in the intervention as compared to the control group were placed in action (70%) or preparation (30%) stages at follow-up. Multiple regression analysis revealed that competing preferences, social norms, role models, (p < 0.001), and commitment to action plan can significantly predict PA behavior. The model accounted for 22.5% of the variance in PA. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that educational interventions based on stages of change can have important implications for improving PA among adolescents in more constructs of HPM.

Adolescent , Female , Humans , Male , Health Behavior , Health Education/methods , Health Promotion/methods , Models, Educational , Motor Activity/physiology , Iran , Regression Analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires
IJEM-Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2011; 13 (4): 361-367
in English, Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-137489


Diabetes is a serious problem. Although physical activity is very useful for control of diabetes, motivating change in physical activity is very difficult. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of education, based on Health Promotion Model [HPM] in physical activity among diabetic women. In this clinical trial study, 80 women [40 patients in each groups] evaluated. All patients in the case group were educated for 1 session of group education, and 3 sessions of individual counseling with the 5 A's method, based on HPM. Then patients in both groups, in the first, 3 and 6 months after education, were evaluated for changes and physical activity. Statistical tests included Repeated Measurement ANOVA, Mann-Whitney and Friedman with SPSS, version 16 were used for data analysis. The results of repeated measurement ANOVA showed that the effects of time-group interaction effects education were significant for physical activity in the case group, the difference between case and control groups in physical activity being significant. Three and six months after education, the case and control groups had progressive stages of change. Intervention with the Health Promotion Model increased physical activity and improved stages of change for physical activity behavior in diabetic women

Humans , Female , Motor Activity , Models, Educational , Diabetes Mellitus/physiopathology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Exercise , Analysis of Variance , Behavior , Counseling
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 34(4): 542-548, out.-dez. 2010. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-576192


Discute-se a necessidade de cuidar, no campo afetivo, das relações estabelecidas entre médicos e pacientes, o que depende de modelos de humanização durante o ensino médico. Em 2003, a Unifesp iniciou uma unidade curricular (UC) que propôs a Observação das Práticas Médicas (OPM) aos primeiranistas do curso médico. Após a observação, seguia-se uma discussão das experiências de modo expositivo e reflexivo, com professores de diversas subáreas. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a influência imediata e ao longo do tempo desta UC sobre 30 graduandos de Medicina do primeiro ao terceiro ano (dez por ano), utilizando um questionário de abordagem quantitativa (cinco questões de múltipla escolha) e qualitativa (três questões abertas, categorizadas após análise e consenso dos dois autores). Concluiu-se que a UC permitiu a apresentação de práticas médicas aos iniciantes, que tinham pouco contato com as mesmas. Ao longo dos anos, observou-se uma modificação na percepção dos alunos sobre a OPM: os alunos das primeiras séries valorizaram o acolhimento emocional, enquanto os de séries mais adiantadas, o conhecimento do seu campo de aprendizado e atuação futura.

The article discusses the need to deal with physician-patient relations at the affective level, which requires models for humanization of care during undergraduate medical training. In 2003, the UNI-FESP School of Medicine launched a course on Observation of Medical Practices as part of the regular curriculum for first-year medical students. The observation was followed by discussion of experiences with lectures, reflection, and debate with medical faculty from various specialties. The aim of the study was to assess the immediate and long-term impact of the course on the 30 first to third-year undergraduates (10 students per year), using a quantitative (5 multiple-choice questions) and qualitative questionnaire (3 open questions, categorized after analysis and consensus between the two authors). The authors concluded that the course allowed presentation of medical practices to the early medical undergraduates, who had little previous contact with this reality. Over the course of the years, a change was observed in the students' perception of Observation of Medical Practice: students in the initial years tended to value emotional support for patients, while as the years went by the undergraduates focused more on the knowledge in their field of learning and their future professional work.

Humans , Altruism , Education, Medical , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Models, Educational , Physician-Patient Relations , Students, Medical
Rev. Fac. Med. (Caracas) ; 32(1): 31-37, jun. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-631549


Se presenta la experiencia de diseño, implementación y evaluación formativa de un entorno virtual de enseñanza aprendizaje basado en Moodle como apoyo al curso de bioquímica durante los períodos 2005-2006, 2006-2007 y 2007-2008. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes tuvieron una buena disposición y una percepción positiva del entorno virtual de enseñanza aprendizaje. Se encontró una correlación positiva entre la frecuencia del uso del entorno virtual de enseñanza aprendizaje y la calificación previa de los estudiantes (r= 0,297 P= 0,000). La frecuencia del uso de los materiales interactivos fue mayor en los estudiantes con calificación previa igual o mayor que 10 puntos en comparación con los de calificación previa inferior a 10 puntos (21,3 ± 2,5 vs. 9,5 ± 1,6; P= 0,007). Como resultado de la aplicación de una estrategia didáctica denominada curso de recuperación se observó un aumento del número de aprobados (52 por ciento) con respecto a los estudiantes que no realizó el curso (21 por ciento), encontrándose una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa entre la calificación obtenida por los estudiantes en el examen de reparación tanto con el total de entradas al entorno virtual de enseñanza aprendizaje (r= 0,543, P= 0,001) como con el total de las tareas cumplidas por cada uno (r= 0,621, P= 0,000). La experiencia indica que el entorno virtual de enseñanza aprendizaje puede ser utilizado como herramienta para favorecer la construcción del conocimiento bioquímico

The experience of the design, implementation, and formative evaluation of a virtual teaching and learning environment based on Moodle as support to the Biochemistry course during the periods 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 is presented. The results indicate that the students showed a good disposition and positive perception of the virtual teaching and learning environment. A positive correlation between virtual teaching and learning environment use and grades of the students (r= 0.297 P= 0.000) was found. The frequency of the use of the interactive materials was higher by students with previous grades equal or higher than 10 points compared to those with previous grades lower than 10 points (21.3 ± 2.5 vs. 9.5 ± 1.6; P= 0.007). As a result of the application of a didactic strategy called recovery course, an increase on the number of students who passed (52 percent), with respect to those who didn’t take the course (21 percent), was observed, finding a statistically significant positive correlation between the grades obtained by the students in the recovery exam, both with the total number of hits to thevirtual teaching and learning environment (r= 0.543, P= 0.001), as well as with the total number of assignments completed by each student (r= 0.621, P= 0.000). The experience indicates that virtual teaching and learning environment can be used as a tool to favor the construction of biochemical knowledge

Humans , Biochemistry/education , Teaching/methods , Universities , Models, Educational , User-Computer Interface , Education, Medical
Rev. Hosp. Clin. Univ. Chile ; 20(4): 355-358, 2009. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-612468


Introduction: Usefulness of high tech clinical simulators as learning tools, are partially established. Objective: To determine utility of an Emergency Care Simulator (ECS) as a learning tool inmedicine. Methods: Study was conducted in 2007, during the respiratory diseases rotation of third year medical students. Informed consent was required to participants. They were divided in two groups: Study Group (SG) and Control group (CG). Both were submitted to the same regular respiratory diseases learning activities. Only the SG had a session with the ECS. The simulated scenario referred to a young man with severe community pneumonia. At the end of the activities every student from those groups answered a modified essay and a questionnaire about this disease problem (maximum score was 70 points). The SG also responded a list of12 statements to get their opinion on this experience. Results: 63 students participated in the study, 42 in the SG and 21 in the CG. All the SG answered the questionnaire and 31 answeredthe modified essay. All the CG answered the modified essay. The scores in the essay were (mean +/- SD) 44, 3 +/-12,9 and 35,5+/-14,7 for the SG and CG, respectively (p=0,026). 80 percent ofthe SG agreed that the experience was useful to learn; entertaining and allowing the application of previous knowledge. Less than 50 percent felt the simulation real enough. Conclusions: A learning activity about severe community acquired pneumonia with the METI ECS simulator apparently was useful for students learning and well evaluated by them.

Humans , Educational Measurement , Models, Educational , Simulation Exercise/methods
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 32(4): 431-436, out.-dez. 2008. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-507128


Objetivo: Avaliar modificações implementadas recentemente num curso de Patologia Geral (PG), com vistas a incentivar a auto-instrução dos alunos por meio de recursos eletrônicos. Metodologia: Estudantes do curso de PG da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública foram solicitados a preencher umquestionário sobre modificações implementadas na disciplina, entre elas a utilização de um CD-ROM elaborado e distribuído pela disciplina. Resultados: Foram avaliados 288 estudantes. A importância média dada ao CD-ROM foi de 8,45 ± 1,79, numa escala de 0 a 10, sendo esta a principal fonte de estudoutilizada por 97,2% dos estudantes para a prova prática. Os alunos que estudaram pelo CD apresentarammenor freqüência de notas baixas û consideradas inferiores a 6,0 (39,9% x 87,5%, P = 0,010) û e referiram conseguir identificar os processos gerais com maior freqüência (99,3% x 87,5%, P = 0,012) em relação aos que não utilizaram este método. 95,8% dos alunos acharam que o curso melhorou sua capacidade de reconhecer tecidos e órgãos ao microscópio. Conclusões: O CD-ROM utilizado oferece recursos que podem facilitar o processo ensino-aprendizagem, representando uma alternativa para o ensino integrado de PG.

Aim: To evaluate the modifications implemented in a General Pathology (GP) course, seeking to motivateself-instruction of the students through electronic resources. Methods: Students of the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública were requested to answer a questionnaire in order to evaluate the modifications implemented in this discipline, specially the use of a CD-ROM elaborated and distributed in the course. Results: 288 students participated in the study. The mean importance given to the CD-ROM was of 8.45 ± 1.79, in a scale from 0 to 10. It was also the main study source for the practical evaluation, used by 97.2% of the students. The students who used the CD-ROM got low scores - considered inferior to 6.0 (39.9% x 87.5%, P = 0.010) - less frequently, and reported to be able of identifying the general pathologic processes more frequently (99.3% x 87.5%, P = 0.012) than the students that did not use this method.95.8% of the students thought that the course improved their capacity to recognize tissues or organs under the microscope. Conclusions: The CD-ROM offers resources that can facilitate the teaching-learning process, representing an alternative for the integrated teaching of GP.

Humans , Education, Medical , Educational Technology , Models, Educational , Pathology
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 69(4): 615-619, jul.-ago. 2006. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese, English | LILACS | ID: lil-435754


OBJETIVO: Identificar percepções referentes ao modelo de ensino em lentes de contato ao final de um curso intensivo teórico - prático realizado em 32 horas. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal em amostra prontamente acessível formada por oftalmologistas (n=39), por meio da aplicação de questionário. RESULTADOS: A amostra foi composta por 39 oftalmologistas, 51,3 por cento do sexo masculino e 48,7 por cento do sexo feminino. Quanto à freqüência anterior a cursos de lentes de contato, referiram somente um curso 28,2 por cento; dois cursos 25,6 por cento; três cursos 5,1 por cento; cinco cursos 2,6 por cento e mais de 10 cursos 2,6 por cento. 23,1 por cento nunca freqüentaram cursos de lentes de contato e 12,8 por cento não responderam. Comparando o conhecimento anterior com o adquirido no treinamento oferecido, 59,0 por cento declararam ter este acrescentado muito conhecimento; 33,3 por cento conhecimento mediano; 2,6 por cento pouco e 5,1 por cento não responderam. Em relação a estágios em lentes de contato; 66,7 por cento responderam que não fizeram nenhum estágio; 30,7 por cento responderam afirmativamente; e 2,6 por cento não responderam. Dentre os que já fizeram estágio, 75,0 por cento declararam ter sido bom; 16,7 por cento muito bom; e 8,3 por cento regular. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo de ensino oferecido em lentes de contato foi considerado de grande valia, acrescentando muito conhecimento para a maioria dos sujeitos.

PURPOSE: To identify perceptions regarding teaching models applied to contact lenses. METHODS: A transversal study in a readily accessible sample consisting of ophthalmologists (n=39) was performed by applying a questionnaire. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 39 ophthalmologists, 51.3 percent males and 48.7 percent females. Regarding frequency prior to courses on contact lenses, 28.2 percent reported only one course; 25.6 percent two courses; 5.1 percent three courses; 2.6 percent five courses and 2.6 percent more than 10 courses. 23.1 percent never attended contact lens courses and 12.8 percent did not answer the questionnaire. On comparison of previous knowledge with that acquired by the offered course, 59.0 percent declared that they increased their knowledge a lot; 33.3 percent reported median increase; 2.6 percent little increase and 5.1 percent did not answer. As concerns training in contact lenses, 66.7 percent answered that they never had any training; 30.7 percent answered affirmatively and 2.6 percent did not answer. Among those who had training, 75 percent declared it was good; 16.7 percent, very good and 8.3 percent, regular. CONCLUSION: The offered teaching model for contact lenses was considered very valuable, increasing a great deal of knowledge in most subjects.

Humans , Male , Female , Contact Lenses , Education, Medical, Continuing/methods , Models, Educational , Ophthalmology/education , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Medical, Continuing/standards , Surveys and Questionnaires
Interaçao psicol ; 9(1): 77-89, jan.-jun. 2005. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-484464


Este artigo investigou, com 8 universitários, se perguntas podem controlar comportamento tal como instruções.Utilizou-se um procedimento de escolha segundo o modelo, com três estímulos de comparação; a tarefa consistia em apontar cada cada um dos três estímulos de comparação, em sequência. As sequências corretas eram reforçadas em RF6. Na condição I, as Fases I (linha de base), 2, 3, 4 e 5 eram iniciadas com aprensentação de instrução mínima, instrução correspondente, arranjo de estímulos, pergunta e arranjo de estímulos, respectivamente. Na Condição II foi invertida a ordem de apresentação da instrução correspondente e da pergunta. A instrução correspondente e a pergunta descreviam corretamente as contingências nas fases em que eram apresentadas. As transições entre as Fases 2, 3, 4 e 5 também eram marcadas pela mudança nas contingências. Observou-se que perguntas que especificam o comportamento que produz reforço, tal como as instruções que especificam esse comportamento, podem estabelecer comportamentos novos e gerar insensibilidade do comportamento a mudanças nas contingências de reforço programadas. Sugere-se que tais perguntas, assim como isntruções, podem ser classificadas como regras. Mas o controle exercido por instruções tende a apresentar pouca variação e a ser mais persistente quando comparado com o controle exercido por perguntas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Nonverbal Communication/psychology , Models, Educational